
We would love to visit your church or organization and offer a series of seminars on worship. 
To begin this process simply click on the button to book us for an event.

Stewarding God’s Story: Planning Scripture-Based Worship throughout the Christian Year

Intercessory Prayer: The Liturgical Expression of Biblical Guidance, Pastoral Care, and Christian Love

The Bread of Life: God Nourishes His Pilgrim People through the Sacramental Practice of the Lord’s Supper

The Art of Worship Seminars

The Art of Worship seminars are based upon Paxson's book The Art of Worship: Opening Our Eyes to the Beauty of the Gospel and twenty-six years of full-time ministry experience as a worship leader. The Art of Worship seminars explore three broad categories: leadership, theology, and context.


Regarding the topic of leadership, discussions will address the personal and professional aspects of the worship leader. Participants will reflect on the various roles of the worship leader and how he/she should (to some degree) be able to: think like a theologian, labor like an artist, and shepherd like a pastor.


Focusing on a theology of worship, conversations will engage with the story, images, and expression of the gospel. Regarding the story of the gospel, participants will reflect on the public reading and preaching of the Word as well as the role of personal testimonies and the creative use of video. Discussions will explore the value of celebrating the Christian year and recapturing a redemptive imagination. 

Regarding the images of the gospel, discussions will address the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper. The seminars will also reflect more broadly on the use of space, the value of aesthetics, and the importance of visual imagery as aspects of worship. Participants will learn about modern sound, lighting, visual presentation, and the many technical facets of worship. Conversations will also highlight how to nurture artists in the local church.

Regarding the expression of the gospel, discussions will encourage a healthy diet of song that consists of modern worship songs, modern hymns, traditional hymns (with new melodies, modern arrangements, and/or an additional chorus), psalms, and service music. Focus will be placed on the practices and considerations that foster robust congregational singing. The seminars will cover a living and creative use of liturgy that incorporates various forms of prayer, confessions of faith, and Scripture readings. Participants will learn about a variety of ecumenical resources that complement the Revised Common Lectionary.


Finally, the seminars will reflect on the value of knowing one's cultural context. Participants will explore the various models of worship and ways of maintaining an identity while still highlighting diversity. 

The Art of Worship seminars are best suited for a weekend time-frame (Friday evening/Saturday morning), but can be adapted to fit the needs of the group or organization.